Monday, January 20, 2020

How to Make a Curled Frame

Hello Everyone:

This tutorial will show you how to make a curled photo frame in Photoshop.

1.  Open a new canvas the size of the photo you want to frame.
          New -- 1200 x 1800 pixels  300dpi  transparent

2.  Fill the layer with 50% grey (Shift + F5 or Edit > Fill).

3.  Increase the size of the canvas so that there will be room for the shadow.
                        1400 x 2000 pixels

4.  Go to the layer section and add a drop shadow under the style portion

Blend Mode = Multiply
Opacity = 85%
Distance = 50 px
Spread = 15%
Size = 75 px

5.  In the layer palette, right-click on the effect (not the layer) to get a menu where you can create a layer from the drop shadow effect.  Select 'Create Layer' from the menu.

6.  You may receive a warning message.  If you do, select 'OK'.

7.  Now you should have two layers.  One is the frame and one is the shadow.  Choose the layer with the frame.

8.  From the Edit menu, select 'Warp (Edit > Transform > Warp).

9.  Click the square on the bottom left and drag it up and to the left.

10.  Click the square on the top right and drag it up and to the left.

11.  Now any photo you clip to this frame will like it is bending off the page.  It is complete if you don't want a border around the photo.

12.  Optional.  To add a border to the frame, load the opaque region of the image as a selection (Select > Load Selection).

13.  Optional.  Contract the selection (Select > Modify > Contract).  I made mine 50 pixels but you can make it any size.

14.  Optional.  Ctrl + Shift + I to invert the selection.

15.  Optional.  Intersect the transparent region of the layer with the current selection (Select > Load Selection).  Go to Load Selection but choose 'Intersect with Selection' as the Operation.

16.  Optional.  Ctrl + J to create a new layer via copy.  The template now has all the necessary layers.

17.  Optional. Afterwards, you may wish to fill your selection with a different color so that you can see the frame better.  I did this by loading the selection as in Step 13.  Then I filled with a color as in Step 2.

Tutorial by Humbug

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